Dental Bonding - A clinical Dental Podcast

Dental Bonding - A clinical Dental Podcast

Anterior: direct or indirect? Javier Tapia Guadix and Maciej Żarow

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Should we go direct or indirect in Anterior restorations - this usually leads to a lot of discussions and it is very interesting for me that Javier and Maciej believe that the future lies in direct composites - if you don't believe it you should listen to this podcast.

You can also watch the lecture : Marleen Peumans and Javier Tapia Guadix

Please register at the GC Dental Campus for the online Symposium in November.

This Podcast is sponsored by GC Europe - thanks for the support!


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About this podcast

This is the International Version of the German Saure Zähne Podcast.

by Georg Benjamin


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