Dental Bonding - A clinical Dental Podcast

Dental Bonding - A clinical Dental Podcast


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00:00:00: Welcome to the podcast I'm here at the IDS Booth in the speakers corners of a  of GC Europe on GC Stephane Broward welcome to the show.

00:00:12: I think Stephane doesn't need any introduction because  everybody who is somehow connected to GC to see your knows Stephane video of the brush of course A couple of years ago,

00:00:25: and she's a brush you just a good introduction because the Brush video was actually about EverXposterior which was released six years ago.

00:00:34: You've been using a new product from GC of the EverXflow and how long have you been using.

00:00:42: Been using it the actual for I think 6 months now.

00:00:47: I felt the need to have a material that would adapt easier to to cavity floor than EverXposterior Would,

00:00:57: generally speaking I'm That Kind of dentist that is quite fond of.

00:01:02: Viscosity and viscosity different viscosity types in relation to what you would like to do in some areas you might want High viscosity in other areas you just one.

00:01:15: Lower  viscosities I think it would it's great that finally they came up with material that has thixotropic,

00:01:26: properties that actually pushes two types of viscosity is in the same handling procedure and then that is one of my,

00:01:35: in my humble opinion one of the strong points of this material besides other points that we will get to a get to that later.

00:01:42: It is a great point of the materials I've been using it to myself as well as I think also since November last year,

00:01:49: I got us something about that time probably earlier shorter mail distances,

00:01:54: from bergium to belgium in my experience most adverse effects of flow capability was a bit like the Genial Universal flo is also your.

00:02:06: I have the same I have the same feeling but I think one of the differences is also the limited Extrusion force that you need to get it out of the syringe compared to genial universe.

00:02:20: Yeah that's true.

00:02:22: Probably because of the the chemistry behind it smaller particles or small or fibers also which which makes things like that easy.

00:02:31: I mean you also broke under the microscope and it's interesting you as you probably also see the small fibers coming out of.

00:02:38: You can see them you could see them very nicely and very clearly with the lyrics posterior fiber length was fighting between 1 and 2 million,

00:02:48: oral over one and then with the aeverex flow I you can see them more easily when you exploded in the in the boat film version,

00:02:58: cuz it's a little more translucent and there when you excluded from the tip you can see more clearly the short fibers but then very soon everything Smooths out and then you don't see any fibers anymore.

00:03:10: Yeah but you actually that's very true books a dented Shades in the end I don't see any difference at all,

00:03:17: Sprint Oakwood Dental shade I would like to use the CV dancing shades of light will be dark one and I would love to have a flow what's the doctor can shape,

00:03:30: and of course something looks at Universal Sensei Universal but probably getting too complicated,

00:03:38: lots of hunting was actually at the beginning at fault why do I need a dent in shape forever because I want to have it like a lot of,

00:03:47: fast Fitness very fast and I kind of coming down small test steps until I realized what the benefit of the tension shape is actually.

00:03:59: Well the benefit of the dungeon shade is I think only Optical and it is pure Optical and it would be,

00:04:07: only useful I thinking cases where you really see on an acceptable or unacceptable social distance where you would see maybe a premolar but for molar I don't think it makes any,

00:04:18: think I think I hope that one day then teen could be replaced anyhow by Everett.

00:04:25: Yeah that's interesting actually.

00:04:27: And if you have the opportunity because we can't really talk about that yeah if you talk about the,

00:04:34: strengthening capacity and load bearing capacities of your teeth when they are restored with a fiber-reinforced material underneath the surface material,

00:04:46: why not reinforce that he's because today we see more and more fractures more and more crack so I think we have the been a,

00:04:53: I'm trying to integrated as much as possible and the flow version of the material allows you to do this evening very thin layers which was a very difficult thing to do with ever exposed to your ear for example there I would go up,

00:05:06: okay if I need to MMM Yeah and then I will start and use it every posterior to reinforce and replace them team,

00:05:14: now I can do it even in smaller cavities.

00:05:17: Yeah what what is the main benefit benefit of cervix flowers for me I can use it now in Tulsa and OKC has like a since I'm busy working at NASA.

00:05:31: Quiet cool to have a fit like in small canals like Samba to which was a problem before I go to the FX posterior to get it in sand and the beginning I was kind of.

00:05:42: Trade of bubbles on different kind of useless router together with epic pursuing a snowplow motion,

00:05:50: but I found out that this is actually not necessary because of materials so flowing so good at to the canal spats.

00:05:59: But even like as a bubbles I want to try I'm not a big problem.

00:06:03: No not nothing and it's a good thing that you mentioned the the injection of of the everxflow in their entrance of a root canal because I did some you know something,

00:06:12: testing on some plastic teeth and I actually checked how the injection would go into root canal,

00:06:23: and the strange but nice thing is that if the material is under pressure because of the canal walls,

00:06:32: then the material even starts to flow better because there was pressure and I think you activate when it is under pressure in a cavity in a small root entrance for example,

00:06:44: just suppose better and adapts better so that is a very nice thing to do note.

00:06:50: And I also think is and what nobody really talks about is whenever you have a perforation of the Paw Patrol,

00:07:00: I mean we know all know but we can restore it with empty and Pittsburgh have a good prognosis,

00:07:06: about that we don't talk about how we still believe this is a tooth after that.

00:07:11: Star Wars VII.

00:07:12: Because just putting one Post in one of the routes that doesn't have to indicate of the perforation and where I think she bit the FX posteriors video something weird place its own strength salt that that's kind of,

00:07:27: Thomas the whole people snore and maybe human faucet so that's that's a cool idea.

00:07:33: I think also with the least it will do is his influence the mode of failure if ever there would be still a failure of the coronal part,

00:07:43: we would like to influence the motor failure and have less dramatic.

00:07:49: And having a fiber-reinforced material as a Dentin replacement there to me makes absolutely send,

00:07:55: you actually build in what Nature has as crack arrest mechanisms that crack meets a fiber then the crackling DV8 and we'll meet another fiber and in the end some of the fibers will stop the crack line then so.

00:08:11: This is great how we can integrate those things into Dental material.

00:08:16: You will also have some lectures at ideas and you only talking about ever.

00:08:24: I'll have one short presentation at the Speaker's Corner about she Symphony year and I will present the case of anterior veneers,

00:08:36: and then I have an afternoon session about everxflow,

00:08:40: and there will also be some Hands-On about seven-year looting injection molding in the posterior and reinforcing molars with every,

00:08:52: in the posterior.

00:08:53: So it's going to be a busy IDs Pizzeria.

00:08:56: Absolutely but I'm looking forward to it.

00:08:58: I recently did a podcast with German endodontist woman with Shaq you reminded me that we both met at your isolation cause of Berlin and it was 2 years ago,

00:09:10: and you still doing your isolation courses worldwide sand people.

00:09:18: Absolutely they can still book me of course.

00:09:21: Can you give an overview of what causes your also giving.

00:09:25: Generally speaking mean other than isolation.

00:09:27: Stephane.

00:09:29: Yeah yeah well there's some course of very dedicated to crack course of course about the cracks that now as being,

00:09:37: extended up to like a two-day course with like a one-day only presentation part so it's like a 6-hour program only presentation about,

00:09:49: about the concept behind cuspal coverage cracks crack propagation the whole thing patient communication how to talk to the patients about.

00:09:59: Like that and then with the Hands-On part also some Diagnostics Parts also we use microscopes a fluorescent light strands illuminators to diagnose different types of cracks in in relation to down,

00:10:12: propose a treatment so there's that wanders,

00:10:16: posterior composite anterior Composites indirect Restorations built in the anterior and posterior so like on laser example is also very nice. That is related many times,

00:10:30: Trax I think we still need some time some good old school gospel coverage Concepts and principles King.

00:10:40: Maniac.

00:10:41: I'm not know you are a check election from gbo it's quite some time ago.

00:10:47: Yeah it's at this changed a lot since it's really.

00:10:49: So I really can recommend that everyone know to check out calls with you and not tell me I was isolationist.

00:10:59: Just one question because because I also asked you from Finland and he's also a,

00:11:12: kind of a fan of this hole ever stick net using button trick cases as well.

00:11:17: I know I did a few out of the mouth tests of placing next in.

00:11:26: To me it was not the most convenient way it's it's a little difficult to handle a net like that it's I understand I totally understand the concepts behind it,

00:11:37: I think that with the upcoming new materials like every slow We achieve the same thing,

00:11:46: less cumbersome handling and and.

00:11:50: So this is Cookie also question I'll bring from YouTube.

00:11:54: Tell me what would be the benefit of netting over injecting with everxflow maybe it's the fiber Direction.

00:12:04: Because that could be very big difference in the everxflow anyhow you have a very homogeneous Lee,

00:12:11: distribute the fiber content and in all directions maybe if you have more horizontal placement and more vertical placement in other,

00:12:22: figurations you could be more useful I don't know this is something that needs to be checked I guess and probably the scientific way has to be checked in and see if there's a difference.

00:12:35: Then to try Cross logo 3 days.

00:12:38: Yeah it will be three days in the end.

00:12:40: Thanks a lot for the talk SF have a great idea.

00:12:44: Thank you so much it was a pleasure.

About this podcast

This is the International Version of the German Saure Zähne Podcast.

by Georg Benjamin


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